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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School

    Spring Term Courses

    Creative Computing Ideas For Safer Internet Day

    Monday 15th January 4.15 - 5.30pm FREE

    Are you planning to celebrate Safer Internet Day at school? Prepare for this UK wide event by learning how to use creative tools on iPad like video, sound recording, drawing tools and image editing. These activities are all designed to get children talking about their experiences online so that you can tailor your online safety curriculum to their needs. 

    For: Teachers, Computing Leaders, Online Safety Leaders.

    Booking now open - email to confirm your place.

    Getting Started with iPad

    Monday 12th February- 4.15 - 5.15pm - FREE

    New to iPad? Come along and learn how to maximise learning time by finding out how you can manage devices using Apple Classroom and Schoolwork. See how teachers can easily make, share and mark work with AirDrop and pick up some quick tips on how to use iPads for the first time. 

    For: Computing Leaders, Teachers, IT Leads,

    Booking open now - email


    ipad network (Day 2 of 3)

    At Edwinstowe House, Edwinstowe.


    By attending this network you will:  

    • have a better understanding of what best practice with iPad and apps looks like; 
    • know how to manage iPad devices effectively; 
    • hear about new features for education in iOS updates, learn more about iPad curriculum resources and use the Apple Teacher professional development tool. 


    Now in its fifth year, the iPad Network will continue to develop the use of iPad devices in teaching and learning. This network not only shares best practice in the computing curriculum, it develops the use of iPad and apps across all subjects and key stages. The network is planned and delivered by Marc Faulder, an Apple Distinguished Educator and aims to ensure you make the most of your iPad devices in school.  


    Use iPad devices to support learning and teaching through:  

    • selection and deployment of apps; 
    • addressing technical issues related to iPad devices in the classroom; 
    • sharing good practice and networking with colleagues. 

    Booking Information

    This is day one of a three day network. You will be charged for all three events. Please ensure you book the second and third days separately.  

    Find out more here.