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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School

    Request for absence

    Please note that Headteachers will not grant any leave of absence for holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    Leave of Absence/Holidays in term time

    School will only authorise leave of absence during term time when there are exceptional circumstances.

    The following are examples of reasons not deemed to be exceptional:

    o             My work does not allow me to take holidays during the school holiday periods

    o             Days overlapping with the beginning or end of term

    o             My child needs a holiday at quieter times due to their needs

    o             Our holiday has been gifted/arranged by others and we did not have a choice of dates

    o             My child has good or 100% attendance

    o             Availability of cheaper holidays and travel arrangements

    o             We booked the holiday before checking with the school

    o             Holiday dates of siblings/family at other schools are different

    o             Day trips/Birthday plans

    o             It's a special sporting fixture/show/event I want my child to attend

    If a child has been reported as unwell and a holiday is suspected, school will report to the local authority for a penalty notice fine. School is expected to carry out home visits.

    School will look at child’s overall attendance figures, when considering referring to the Local Authority for issuing of a fixed penalty notice.

    Parents will receive a warning of penalty notice for unauthorised leave.

    School will notify parents of penalty notice, should unauthorised leave of absence be taken (10 sessions over a 10-week rolling period).

    For further information on the process and guidelines on penalty notices within Nottinghamshire County Council, please click on the following link.  The 'Frequency Asked Questions' (FAQ's) document at the bottom of the page is particularly helpful.

    School attendance, absence and truancy | Nottinghamshire County Council

    Please complete the form below to request an absence.