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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School

    PRIDE Values

    At Burton Joyce Primary school we learn through our PRIDE values. The staff and children worked on updating our school ‘Code of Conduct’. Firstly, we want our children to take pride in all they do, from how they move around school, present themselves, take pride in their work as well as their many curricular endeavours. The P stands for Positivity, R for Respect, I for Integrity, D for Determination and E for Equality. We will spend time in assemblies and in the classroom learning not only what each of these words mean but how we can demonstrate these qualities in all we do.

    We have PRIDE ambassadors from each class in KS2 that represent each value. We have staff teams also dedicated to each value. Collectively, the staff and the children work together to plan events throughout the year to raise the profile of their value and share with the rest of the school and community.